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Jul 29 2023 | by Hema Rao

Transform Telecom Industry with RPA: Simplify Data Processing, Enhance Customer Experience and Streamline Self-Service Requests – Learn How!   

Since the invention of Telephone in the 19th century, the telecommunication industry has grown dramatically over the period. This industry has not merely remained for telephone calls but also increasingly about text, image, video communication, and high-speed internet access. In today's world though telephone calls form the major revenue generator, other services like broadband information services, interactive entertainment like OTT, Social Media, and Online gaming. 

With the advent of 4G LTE, smartphones have changed the lifestyle of mankind and revolutionized the way humans communicate with each other. With so much data floating around the ecosystem and with the changing tech landscapes every day, the telecom sectors become the perfect industry for RPA adaptation. 

The article discusses the potential benefits of implementing robotic process automation (RPA) in the telecommunications industry. RPA can help with data processing, maintenance, and compliance regulations, streamlining invoice processing, data clean-up, and reconciliation. It can also improve first call resolution (FCR) by presenting relevant data to agents, uploading FCR data to the ticketing system, and combining AI tools with RPA to deliver personalized customer experience. Additionally, RPA can assist with self-service requests, resolving minor issues and queries through chatbot-assisted inquiries. The article suggests that RPA has the potential to radically transform the telecommunications industry, especially when combined with AI. 

Following are the sample use cases where RPA can be proved beneficial: 

1. Automate Data Processes 

In simple words, the Telecom sector enables the communication of different types of data like voice, text, image, and video. It is a mammoth task to manage such a huge amount of data. 

RPA can be effectively used for such data processing like: 

  • Simplify maintenance through automated monitoring of network health and status. With the increasing penetration of internet connectivity even in remote areas in the world, there is an estimation that network traffic grows by 40%-50% every 12-15 months. RPA can also help in optimizing network traffic and improve accessibility and performance. 

  • Perform Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) of data involved in business processes and maintain the data required for compliance regulations like audit trail of data transfer. As the Telecom industry is subjected to strict and heavy regulations, staying compliant can be a challenging task that is time-consuming and labor-intensive. These regulatory mandates can be efficiently managed by employing RPA Bots. 

  • Streamline invoice processing by leveraging OCR tools. 

  • Business Data clean-up & reconciliation of data – These activities are labor-intensive and monotonous jobs that can be made easy by employing RPA. These cleaned-up data can be further used for reporting and analytics purposes. 

2. First Call Resolution 

The Telecom sector is service oriented industry. Catering to the customer's needs is a vital part of day-to-day business. First call resolution (FCR) is a metric used to measure customer inquiries or problems resolved on the first call or contact with a representative or agent. FCR is a part of customer relationship management (CRM). The average time an agent spends on each call which called ‘Talk Time’. Lower Talk Time averages are usually desirable.  

The issues reported by customers to customer service employees via emails, texts, or calls during FCR can be tackled by using RPA bots effectively to increase productivity and lower Talk Time with higher customer satisfaction b employing below: 

  • Fetching data about the problem from the relevant troubleshooting document and presenting it to the agent. 

  • Notifying the agent about the customer’s demographics (location, past purchases, currently used services, past service towers near them) to enhance the customer’s experience. 

  • Upload the relevant FCR data to the ticketing system. 

  • By combining the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools with RPA, Customer experience can be delivered with customer personalization. The speedy resolution with a personal touch will enhance customer engagement. 

3. Self Service requests 

With increasing digital literacy among the population, the customer is turning smart day by day. We can see the increasing trend of finding resolutions for issues faced before reaching the Service Providers. This has its advantages like decreasing the load of Customer Care Centres, Prioritization of critical issues, etc.,  

Minor issues, and customer queries can be handled using self-care portals. RPA can be used to power such self-help portals by: 

  • Collecting information on customer inquiries 

  • Fetching the data related to issues from relevant data sources and assisting in troubleshooting for the most frequently requested support. 

  • Resolving customer inquiries themselves with chatbot-assisted inquiries on order status, solution inquiries, etc., 

  • RPA-assisted chatbot for Ordering. 


The above use cases are just only the scratch of the surface of the potential of RPA in the Telcom industry. When RPA strengths are combined with AI, RPA can radically transform the technology ecosystems for the best outcomes in the Telecom sector. 

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