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Novigo offers Analytics and Business Intelligence solutions which are industry focused and driven to enhance the ROI. Data is the core of all business operations; a focused and structured data can create multifarious business use cases. Our expert team and the inhouse product iced with custom modelling and visualization provides best in class business insight to keep up with the competition.

We have a proven track record of successfully implementing effective business intelligence solutions including new system development and existing system enhancements.

Our team of experts provide business driven solutions that transforms corporate data into well-designed information portals, providing decision makers with the ultimate competitive advantage.

Novigo BI framework

Novigo BI framework is a flexible and customizable business intelligence & data visualization platform that includes integrated dashboards, data analytics and reporting tools. It provides users the ability to create interactive, customizable dashboards, build their own reports, run ad-hoc queries and analyse and drill-down into their data, allowing users to connect and integrate with any data source in real-time on any devices.

Our Capabilities

Cloud Data Services

  • Multi-platform expertise, to advise on implementing best-suited service

  • End-to-End project responsibility – minimizing data loss, and ensuring data security and recovery

  • Achieve enhanced business efficiency – with data consolidation, resulting in streamlined business processes and increased ROI

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  • Translate Business problem into appropriate analytical problems

  • Understand the current state and help define the future state

  • It is a self-service tool through which businesses can analyse and manipulate data to gain useful insights

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Business Intelligence

  • Data Consumption is easier

  • Data representation in what if analysis, infographs and timeline

  • Ours is integrated workflow engine. Empowering to create businessspecific work flow

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Novigo Performance

This framework defines the people, processes and platforms that needs to be integrated and aligned to take a more strategic approach to Business Intelligence (BI), Analytics and Performance Management (PM) initiatives.

Our Approaches

Novigo Approache
  • Understanding the Business Problem, Challenges and Success Criterias
  • Generate Hypothesis
  • Design Solutions
  • Estimate ROI and Business Impact
  • Data Requirements
    • Internal & External
    • Structured & Unstructured
  • Data Collection
  • Data Validation
  • Data Harmozination
  • Datamart/Data Lake Development
  • Descriptive Analytics
    • Profile & Segment
    • Reporting & Visualization
  • Predictive Analytics
    • Predictive Modeling
    • AI & ML
  • Generate Insights
  • Generate Data-driven Recommondations
  • Datamart/Data Lake Development
  • Decision Support
    • Optimizations and Simulations
    • Experimentaion
  • Automation & Ongoing support
    • Data Integration
    • Model Automation/Refresh
    • Automated Insights
  • Compliance and Integration

Our Offerings

Novigo Analysis

Drivers Analysis for Enterprise & Consumers

Novigo Operation Analytics

Operation Analytics

Novigo Sentiment Analytics

Sentiment Analytics

Novigo Data Visualization

Data Visualization & Diagnostic Reporting

Novigo  Automated Insights

Automated Insights for Enterprises

Novigo Sales and Marketing Analytics

Sales and Marketing Analytics

Let's craft brilliance together!

Drop us a line, or give us a heads up if you're interested in discussing and learning more about us