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The Impact of Data & AI
on the Next Wave of Retail

We invite you for a knowledge sharing session on the Impact of Data and AI in the Retail Industry.

calendar13th October, 2022 clock3pm - 4pm

Here’s what’s in store for you –

  • Discussion on the Impact of Data & AI in Retail
  • Learn your way through the world of Data
  • A Knowledge sharing session on Databricks
  • An extensive Q&A Session



Harikrishnan Pai

Lead Data Scientist - Novigo Solutions


Suneel Sunkara

Solution Architect - Databricks


03.00PM - 03.10PMDiscussion on the Impact of Data and AI in RetailHarikrishnan Pai

03.10PM - 03.45PMA knowledge sharing session on DatabricksSuneel Sunkara

03.45PM - 04.00PMAn extensive Q & A SessionSuneel Sunkara & Harikrishnan Pai